STATUS: started LOCATION: Belgien, Gent TARGET AUDIENCE: CHALLENGE accepted APPROACH do something EXPECTED OUTCOME string See this case live on DUET gent_trees gent_trees See this case live on DUET See this case live on
STATUS: started LOCATION: Belgien, Gent TARGET AUDIENCE: CHALLENGE accepted APPROACH do something EXPECTED OUTCOME string See this case live on DUET gent_trees gent_trees See this case live on DUET See this case live on
STATUS: started LOCATION: Belgium, Ghent TARGET AUDIENCE: public CHALLENGE Ghent is one of the major cities of Flanders and is home to 265,000 inhabitants. In spring 2022, a new bicycle tunnel was constructed near the city centre. The impact of the planned works on traffic was fairly large and
CHALLENGE How best to visualise the simulation of the impact of a road closure on the traffic in the surrounding streets in an unambiguous and comprehensive way? That was the question that triggered the DUET technical team to create the delta layer. The delta layer shows - at a glance - where traffic