STATUS: started
LOCATION: Czech Republic, Pilsen
TARGET AUDIENCE: intern, experts
The city of Pilsen was one of the pilot cities of the S4AllCities EU project during which a 3D model of the Pilsen football stadium was created. Together with the DUET application, the model was used in a tactical exercise that took place at the stadium within the project.
The map layers available in DUET, including a detailed 3D model of the football stadium, facilitate the planning of tactical exercises of the Integrated Rescue System. The digital twin can be used to simulate the closure of the “Rychtářka” crossroad which is an entry/exit point for the rescue vehicles to/from the stadium during the tactical exercise. Total or partial closure of the crossroad and its impact on the surrounding traffic can be simulated. DUET application can also be used to assess the placement of roadblocks and equipment, to find the ideal locations for the drones to take off (in relation to the trees in the park) and places in the shade that would be a suitable site for the injured. Locations of hospitals in which the injured were taken can also be found in DUET.
Use the DUET application and its features to visualize a 3D model of the football stadium and other existing layers (traffic model, 3D city model) to plan the tactical exercise.
The tool can be used to plan future tactical exercises of the integrated rescue system and visualize the impact of the “Rychtářka” crossroad closure on the traffic.
Displaying layers
Base layers are preselected: “Plzen – Traffic model”, “Plzen – 3D Buildings LOD2”, “Plzen – 3D Trees”and “Plzen – 3D Terrain model”.
To display the layers, click on the “Content” button in the main menu.
(If layers are not available in the “Content” menu, add them from the “Data” menu – tabs GeoJson, 3D data and Terrain data)
1, Making a suitable map
First, you will try to build a suitable map base for the planning of the tactical exercise.
In the map application, turn on the stadium model (Plzen – FCVP Stadium layer) and the coloured base plan (Openstreetmap Colored layer). You can turn off the surrounding 3D buildings.
The tactical exercise took place on 23 June 2022, 9 AM to 3 PM. Set the shadows for this date:
You can turn the shadows on in the right part of the map window. Day and time setting is done via the “Shadows settings” button:
A dialog box pops up in the left part of the map window. You can set the date and time for displaying the shadows:
Map materials are prepared now – you can, for example, print them (create a PDF file) using the PDF export tool in the Widget menu:
2, Drawings own objects on the map
You can add your own drawings to the prepared map materials. The application enables you to draw an outline of important exercise locations based on the information obtained from the map. Let’s try to design a place for gathering injured people according to the distribution of shadows:
Launch the planner widget from the widget menu:
Log in using the following details:
Tester1, password: flanders2020
Find the project “Plzen – FCVP Stadium” in the project list and start to click on the Edit project button:
Use the “Draw new object” tool to draw an area suitable for the location of the injured persons’ station on the map. The procedure is shown in the video.
3, Closing a road and displaying simulation results
The last feature you will test is the use of traffic modeling in DUET. You will perform partial and full closure of the crossroad near the Rychtářka parking house, which is an entrance and exit point for the vehicles of the Integrated Rescue System during the tactical exercise at the stadium.
Turn on the Plzen – Traffic model layer and find the Tyršova X sady 5. května crossroad in the map:
Launch the Analysis function at the top of the application:
A new window with instructions on how to do the closure pops up.
Select all directions to the intersection with the left mouse button and close them completely (Block this road segment(s) option). Select the option to integrate traffic model results only and start the analysis by clicking the Start analysis green button:
Traffic calculation is in progress:
You will find the result of the calculation in the “Data” section of the main menu, “Traffic model results” tab. To activate the layer, click on the “+” symbol on the right side.
To see the new layer with simulation results, click on the “Content” button in the main menu. You can switch on/off other layers and investigate the result of simulation.
At the same time, a delta layer is created to visualize the difference between the original and new traffic model after the closure of the crossroad is completed:
As a second option, try just limiting traffic at the crossroad. The procedure is the same, but instead of blocking the whole segment, choose “change traffic flow for this road segment(s) by:” Change the capacity of the crossroad to 50% and reduce the speed to 30%:
After running the analysis, a new traffic model and delta layer is created.
plzen_terrain, plzen_3d_lod_2_update, plzen_trees, traffic_plzen
traffic model
Finally, a video from the event is out.