

Ghent – Citizens evaluate impact of closing a bridge for traffic

CHALLENGE How best to visualise the simulation of the impact of a road closure on the traffic in the surrounding streets in an unambiguous and comprehensive way? That was the question that triggered the DUET technical team to create the delta layer. The delta layer shows - at a glance - where traffic

2022-06-28T09:59:14+00:00February 10th, 2022|Duet, Flanders, Uncategorized|

Pilsen – Roosevelt Bridge Closure

CHALLENGE The possibility of closing the Roosevelt Bridge is being considered to calm traffic in the city center. STATUS : started LOCATION : Czech Republic, Pilsen TARGET AUDIENCE : Policymakers and city planners concerned about traffic, air quality and noise pollution APPROACH After closing the Roosevelt Bridge

2022-06-28T10:00:04+00:00January 14th, 2022|Czech, Duet, Traffic Simulation Model|

Ghent – traffic model demo, closure of a bridge

CHALLENGE In the framework of the DUET project, we can predict traffic using a model created by the university of Leuven, KUL. Connecting the traffic model was a tough challenge, high speed visualisation was an even bigger challenge. STATUS : started LOCATION : Belgium, Ghent TARGET AUDIENCE : city

2022-06-28T10:23:09+00:00January 13th, 2022|Belgium, Duet, Flanders, Ghent, Traffic Simulation Model|

Athens – Citizens feedback on green routing

CHALLENGE As an active citizen I want to evaluate and share my feedback on the future decisions of the city and their impact on my daily mobility within the city. STATUS : started LOCATION : Greece, Athens TARGET AUDIENCE : Citizens, cyclists, citizens association APPROACH Evaluation and

2022-09-08T14:44:49+00:00January 12th, 2022|Duet, Greece, Traffic Simulation Model|

Construction of a New Western Ring in Pilsen

STATUS : ongoing LOCATION : Plzen, Czech Republic TARGET AUDIENCE : Policymakers and public interested to know what impact the new road bypass has on traffic in its area, air quality and noise pollution APPROACH A user can draw a new road connected to the existing road network and enter its transport capacity.

2022-06-28T10:23:31+00:00January 12th, 2022|Czech, Duet|
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